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Data Exchange in Threatened Scenarios

It is widely recognized that barriers to data exchange between institutions and countries significantly hinder their operational capacity during international crises. Limitations imposed on data flow between these entities, as well as specific guidelines from each country, hamper the implementation of interoperable solutions, thereby reducing efficiency in multiple areas of high strategic value. To mitigate these deficiencies, it is essential to significantly increase automation and the integration of different technologies in all phases of problem management.


Given that operational contexts evolve rapidly, future crises will increasingly require more efficient, digital, secure, and resilient collaborative environments against cyberattacks in terrestrial, aerial, maritime, and spatial domains. The active principle defined from teachings on military strategy in civilian operations and results-oriented planning has been effective in recent decades.


Each mission begins with the analysis of a crisis in progress, followed by observation and orientation stages. In this initial phase, large volumes of data are collected, analyzed, and evaluated, turning them into relevant information for key participants in search of an informational advantage.


1.   Data Invulnerability in Crisis Scenarios


In concurrent crisis scenarios, where seconds or milliseconds can be crucial for the survival of thousands of people, superiority in multiple domains must be achieved through comprehensive situational awareness, based on advanced data analysis facilitating quick and precise decisions. Thus, future scenarios will demand greater processing, automation, and integration during their different cycles.


This document proposes an innovative technological solution that guarantees data security in crisis and population threat scenarios, allowing different forces deployed in the field to operate in a unified, coordinated manner without the risk of interception or manipulation of critical real-time information.


2.   Data Invulnerability in Crisis Scenarios Problem:


Real-Time Data Security The operational scenarios presented in these crises are real-time scenarios of high criticality, both for the robustness of the systems involved and for their ability to guarantee immediate scalability. This means that they must guarantee their effectiveness in situations where a greater and immediate dedication of system resources is required for massive punctual data and transaction management on the network, which in turn must guarantee that such information is invulnerable and only responds to its legitimate owner.


The data generated and exchanged in these scenarios are susceptible to being intercepted by third parties, read, modified, and reintroduced into the system fraudulently and with intentions contrary to the interests of the legitimate data owners.


Therefore, the system must guarantee several aspects:


• System robustness against peaks in resource requirements and scalability

• Capacity for massive transaction and real-time data management;

• Low latency and absence of "bottlenecks";

• Capacity to incorporate new elements into the network without penalizing system performance.

• Interoperability: Data transfer capacity between different scenarios supported by different private networks that are interconnected.

• System sustainability: The solution must contemplate the minimum use of physical and logical resources and their maximum optimization;

• The energy consumption of the system must be as minimal as possible, thus guaranteeing its viability in scenarios of high scalability and availability.


3.   Data Invulnerability in Crisis Scenarios Proposed Solution:




Neural Distributed Ledger (NDL) technology sets a new paradigm for managing sensitive and confidential information in scenarios of crisis and high complexity and dynamism threats.


NDL not only transforms the way data is handled but also raises the standards for information protection and distribution by turning it into a zero-trust environment by design. In this context, the implementation of NDL is not only an improvement but a necessity to ensure the operability and security of civil protection systems.


The development and maintenance of a robust and efficient physical infrastructure for the NDL system are a key pillar in this context.


This infrastructure must not only be able to support the operational demands of the entities involved but also adapt to the requirements of an ever-evolving environment. The integration of NDL into civil protection systems promises synergies where data security intertwines with operational effectiveness, ensuring that critical decisions are based on precise and protected information.


Ultimately, the adoption of NDL represents a significant leap towards modernizing government's operational capabilities, placing these systems at the forefront of technology and information security.






NDL simulation clouds, in the context of civil protection systems, will play a crucial role beyond simply simulating future threat scenarios. Although these systems are capable of simulating potential threats, their primary and most innovative use is the creation of real-time representations of disaster dynamics.


This capacity is particularly relevant from the perspective of each participant, whether they are police officers, ground system operators, or even army units involved in the crisis. The analogy with an online game is particularly apt to describe the functionality of these NDL simulators. In an online game, each player experiences the game from their perspective, interacting with an environment that, although shared, is uniquely presented to each. Similarly, in the context of a crisis, each participant in a threat scenario visualizes and experiences the situation from their unique position and role.


Each NDL simulator, functioning as if it were an individual console, provides users with an interactive and deeply immersive experience of the ongoing crisis. This means that a helicopter pilot, for example, would receive real-time information about the position of survivor groups, their status, and other critical real-time data, all tailored to their location and specific circumstances.


This approach greatly enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of crisis management by providing operators with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions quickly. From a technical standpoint, NDL simulation clouds represent a significant challenge due to their need to process vast amounts of data in real-time, maintain synchronization between different participants, and ensure data integrity and security.


However, overcoming these challenges promises substantial rewards in terms of improved crisis management capabilities and better outcomes for affected populations.


It is crucial to highlight that NDL simulators do not present their own graphical environment. Instead, they are backend environments that facilitate the connection of various applications to interact with critical data in a secure and controlled space. This design allows seamless integration with advanced technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), providing tailored and highly immersive interfaces for each participant.


This flexibility means that each user can receive a personalized visual and operational experience, suitable for their specific needs and role in the crisis or threat scenario.

In terms of security, the NDL approach is especially robust against threats such as phishing or external attacks. The simulators are temporary entities that can run on any machine and at any time, creating a zero-trust environment both from the simulator to the outside and within the simulation. In this environment, all participants must provide sufficient evidence of their identity and purpose to interact with the simulator or with each other.


This feature significantly reduces the risk of malicious infiltrations, as any attempt at unauthorized access faces multiple layers of verification and validation.


Additionally, the NDL architecture avoids the direct transmission of data between simulators. Instead, it employs a technique reminiscent of science fiction teleportation: data PODs are broken down into fragments that are distributed throughout the storage system in an unlocatable manner.


This distribution ensures that only the legitimate owner of the POD, with the appropriate credentials, can recompose and access the information. This method not only protects the integrity and privacy of the data but also ensures that the location and operation of simulation sessions within ArcaNet networks remain hidden and secure, avoiding exposure to potential external or internal threats.


NDL allows the execution of multiple ArcaNet networks simultaneously within a single session. This capability can be critical in crisis environments, where the coordination and synchronization of actions between multiple actors and systems are essential for the success of operations. In practice, this can enable certain participants, whether a police officer, a ground operator, the unified command center, or an autonomous vehicle controller, to interact or influence different aspects of the threat and in different missions simultaneously, for example, or act as a transparent and secure bridge for coordination and interoperability between various operations, all within a single NDL simulation session. Thus, an operator could be simultaneously supervising the deployment of an ambulance or firefighter unit from one ArcaNet network while coordinating with ground support units through another, ensuring a cohesive and well-informed response to threat developments.


This capability multiplies personnel effectiveness, allowing them to manage multiple streams of information and control in real-time, which is crucial in highly dynamic critical situations.


Moreover, the resilience of the NDL system is manifested in its ability to recover from incidents. If a participant's simulation environment were to be damaged or compromised, that same user could log into an alternative simulation environment and resume their actions without significant interruptions.

This feature is especially valuable in remote or hybrid management of autonomous entities within civil protection systems. For example, if a drone operator experiences a failure in their simulator, they can quickly switch to another environment and maintain operational control of the drones, minimizing the impact on the mission.


This flexibility is not only critical for maintaining operational continuity in adverse situations but also provides an additional layer of security. In a scenario where a simulator is compromised, the ability to quickly migrate to another secure environment prevents prolonged exposure to possible threats, ensuring that operational integrity and security remain intact.


4. Sizing Simulation Clouds for Crisis Environments


In the system environment, the implementation of NDL simulation clouds must be carefully considered to ensure safe and resilient operation in crisis conditions. This task involves meticulous planning that encompasses both static and dynamic infrastructures within the civilian realm.


Static infrastructure is essential for providing a solid foundation for simulation clouds. Data Processing Centers (DPCs) and civilian command centers, equipped with advanced security systems, are ideal for hosting NDL simulation servers. These facilities must be equipped with robust redundancy and backup systems to maintain operability even in adverse situations. Additionally, it is crucial to have secure and encrypted communication infrastructures to ensure a protected connection between simulation nodes and end-users.


Dynamic infrastructures within the FCAS system not only complement but also significantly enhance the efficiency of the NDL simulation network. Embedded or onboard hardware in vehicles and aircraft is a crucial element in this dynamic, turning these assets into micro DPCs that can be activated or deactivated at will at any time, protecting the activity of all participants in operations and providing a highly resilient environment. These elements could not only facilitate real-time data collection and processing directly from crisis hotspots but also strengthen the simulation network and allow for its considerable delocalization and distribution.


The flexibility of wearable technology would allow officials to interact directly with simulation clouds in dynamically generated local networks during missions.


Equipped with wearable devices that connect to these clouds, officials have access to an operational view that constantly adapts to changing conditions in the crisis environment. This adaptability is vital for decision-making in critical situations and significantly improves the situational awareness of units on the ground.



Mobile data centers, deployed both on land and in aircraft, are another pillar of this dynamic infrastructure. These centers provide processing and data analysis capabilities close to the frontlines, reducing latency in communications and improving operational efficiency. The proximity of these computing resources to the scene of action could be a decisive factor in the success of operations.


In this regard, the versatility of the NDL system in terms of compatible hardware is worth noting. The ability to set up NDL sessions on virtually any device running Linux adds a dimension of unprecedented flexibility and adaptability.


This means that soldiers and vehicles themselves can become an extensive network of embedded simulation environments, virtually undetectable and highly resilient. This feature turns each unit and vehicle into an autonomous information and processing point, greatly strengthening the simulation network and ensuring extensive coverage and high resistance to interruption attempts or attacks.


5. Storage Clouds in Crisis Context


Strategic planning in the distribution of storage clouds is fundamental to the success of the NDL system. This distribution must be meticulous and adapt to the changing and often unpredictable nature of environments. Primary data centers should be established in secure and carefully selected locations, serving as robust cores for massive storage and data processing. These centers, located in low-risk areas, will be essential for maintaining data integrity during conflicts or disasters.


To support operations on the move and in crisis zones, it is crucial to have mobile data centers, both terrestrial and aerial. These centers offer flexibility and enable data processing and storage near the scene of action, improving response speed and decision-making efficiency.


Additionally, equipping civilian vehicles and aircraft with high storage capacities turns these assets into extended, temporary nodes of the storage network, ensuring access to critical information at all times, even when connectivity with larger centers may not be possible.


In the NDL system, the implementation of storage infrastructure is based on connecting distributed file systems between different physical clouds, a strategic choice that prioritizes efficiency, security, and agility. These systems are designed to ensure a high degree of replication and comprehensively automate content distribution and restoration tasks.


This approach eliminates the dependence on traditional backup systems, whose restoration processes can be costly in both time and resources, although they can still be used as a safeguard mechanism as a last resort.


The architecture of distributed file systems in command centers divides POD contents into regular-sized fragments distributed across available nodes to create multiple copies of data in the network. This ensures that in case of a failure or compromise in a node, data can be recovered and restored automatically from another node without significant interruptions. The fallen node itself can restore itself using support from the other nodes in the system.


This self-recovery functionality is fundamental in threat or crisis environments, where speed and reliability in data access are critical.


Regarding security, these distributed file systems come equipped with advanced encryption and user authentication protocols, protecting data against unauthorized access and cyberattacks. Additionally, access control is rigorously managed to ensure that only authorized personnel and only from NDL sessions can locate and access sensitive information.


The integration of these storage systems with communication systems facilitates seamless and secure data transmission. This synergy is critical for maintaining the operational and strategic efficiency of the system, enabling informed and agile decision-making based on precise and updated data.


6. The Technological Stack Bringing ArcaNet Networks to Life


ArcaNet emerges as a complex and multifaceted technology, with its effectiveness and versatility stemming from the transparent use of the NDL software families that comprise it. Each family plays a unique role, contributing to the robustness and efficiency of the system.


From security and data management tools to identification and custody solutions, these families work together to create a highly secure and adaptable ecosystem of communications and operations, essential for mission success in times of crisis.


The integration of these product families into ArcaNet demonstrates a holistic approach to information and operations management within NDL. The synergy among these families allows ArcaNet to offer an unprecedented communication and operation platform, where security, efficiency, and adaptability are paramount.


This integrated approach ensures that NDL not only meets current critical needs but also is prepared to adapt and evolve in the face of future challenges.


The ArcaNet framework brings the NDL Markets family to life. This technology enables the definition of virtual logical networks within ArcaNet that facilitate the creation of collaborative environments, called "markets," where users can exchange PODs under specific rules in audited, nominal, and traceable sandbox environments.


The NDL Identification family encompasses platforms such as FaceID, TaxIdentities, and DigitalIdentities, providing secure solutions for user identification in ArcaNet and for establishing zero-trust environments between physical users or client software and NDL simulation elements.


These platforms ensure that each interaction in the network is reliably attributable to a specific user while maintaining their privacy.


The NDL Podification family allows the modeling of confidential, critical, sensitive, or private information using PODs. PODs (Proof Of Data) are secure, autonomous data containers, fundamental in the architecture of ArcaNet and all of NDL. They allow modeling, safeguarding, managing the lifecycle, and securely transferring information end-to-end. PODs can be exchanged both within the NDL infrastructure and in the traditional open Internet.


The PODs system includes Podify and Modus systems, which help create, model, manage, and securely destroy these data containers, ensuring their privacy and authenticity, as well as defining data standards that facilitate global application interoperability by design.


NDL Custody, represented by the Arca and Privus platforms, handles the secure management of PODs. Arca acts as a high-performance vault for the massive custody of PODs, organizing and protecting critical data within the NDL ecosystem at a low level, while Privus facilitates the management of digital private property from the perspective of end-users.


The NDL Transfer family facilitates the secure transfer of information between the different components of the NDL physical infrastructure. The NDL Bridge platform is responsible for interconnecting simulation environments with distributed storage systems, as well as enabling transparent bridges between applications and NDL simulators. FileBox, in turn, specializes in the secure transfer of large volumes of data between the outside world and NDL components.


Finally, the NDL Tools family consists of a set of essential services that ensure the security, scalability, and efficiency of the system. The NDL Equo platform is a dynamic container of applications designed specifically to support all kinds of unattended and autonomous applications. NDL BiHash is a certified content integrity verification service. NDL Signature facilitates the definition of logical groups of auditors for the automated signing of integrity checks for any type of digital content. NDL FileBox is a secure service for the audited transfer of files between physical environments. The NDL Builder is responsible for the creation and registration of all types of self-custodied files, including PODs and all kinds of multimedia elements.


NDL also provides a set of directories for locating resources in NDL

simulations, such as users, PODs, networks, or services, and a system for the controlled and audited issuance of limited editions of NDL digital assets.


All platforms and tools within the NDL ecosystem are implemented in parallel as libraries that can be embedded by any system software, servers, and end applications, either command-line-based or with a customizable associated graphical interface that can be exploited as independent products and services outside the NDL environment and are fully interoperable.


This description of the product families interacting to bring ArcaNet networks to life underscores the complexity and sophistication of the NDL infrastructure, offering a robust and highly scalable construction environment ideal for creating an integrated combat system at the technological forefront.

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