AS Watson Active Drive Sustainability Across Our e-Commerce Brands We are seeking cutting-edge digital concepts, services, and technologies to strength our sustainability brand values across our websites and mobile apps.
PepsiCo Active Non-Artificial Chelating Agents PepsiCo is interested in leveraging non-artificial antimicrobial preservatives in place of synthetic alternatives. Non-artificial chelating agents are also of interest as alternatives to commonly used...
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Published Environment & Sustainability ecoPLAS® Biodegradable Plastic * No manufacturing changes required* 3rd Party Biodegradable & Industrial Composting Verified* 3500 lbs. CO2 PREVENTED from release vs. HDPE per Ton* Less material, same product By REearthable, LLC
Published Environment & Sustainability Plastalyst Plastalyst recycles organic waste and plastic waste into chemicals such as monomers, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methanol.Uniquely, the process is below 200°C, produces no CO2. By Robert Kunzmann ♻️
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Georgia State University Since 1996, our research expenditures have increased tenfold, from less than $20 million to $200 million. In 2022, university faculty earned $164.2 million in research funding — the highest total ...
University of Hawaii The University of Hawai‘i (UH) is a Carnegie R1 institution and the state’s major research university with diverse research and innovation in tropical agriculture, sustainable energy, astronomy, ocean ...
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Ozonelink The utility sector is undergoing a profound shift, driven by the urgent need for decarbonization, the rise of renewable energy, and the transformative power of digital technologies. As utilities navi...
Computer Networks & Services Research Laboratory (CoNSeRT) CoNSeRT is a West Attica University Lab, comprising a team of Professors, Lecturers, Post Docs, and Junior researchers with expertise in Machine Learning, Computer Networks and Applications, Electron...
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Published Multi Sector Professional Services + 3 More Fraud Transaction Detection for Banks: How AI is Defeating Cybercriminals? Pratyusha Vemuri , 05 Feb, 2025
Published Professional Services Security + 1 More The Best Leather Bags for Business Professionals Salamanca Leathers 05 Feb, 2025
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