Our AI anticipates wasted food, arranges its donation, and gives food suppliers documentation to claim tax deductions. Food suppliers reduce waste. People in need get fed.


Globally, more than 33% of the food we produce is wasted. Meanwhile, more than 10% of the population experiences serious hunger - nearly 800 million. Our AI anticipates wasted food, arranges its donation, and gives food suppliers documentation to claim tax deductions. Food suppliers reduce waste and increase profit margins. People in need get fed.

Key Benefits

The system is profitable; tax deductions increase global food retail profit margins by 80%. Food rescue can reduce large-retailer yearly global carbon footprint by 12,000 metric tons, and feeding the world adds value to the retailer's brand– 70% of consumers want to know how the brands they support are addressing social and environmental issues.

An average grocery store can rescue 50 tons of food per store location annually, translating to approximately 30 thousand meals saved each year.


2ndHarvestAI is for large-scale food producers or retailers with excess inventory, nonprofit organizations focused on reducing food waste and providing meals to those in need, governments interested in addressing food waste issues, educational institutions aiming to incorporate sustainable practices, and startups in the foodtech industry looking for AI-driven solutions to minimize wasted food. These customers can benefit from 2ndHarvestAI's efficient platform, which connects businesses with organizations in need and offers technology to address food waste on a national or even global scale.

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