The AI Smart Isolator replaces existing dumb isolators, saving customers over 30% off the energy used on their Air conditioning and 10% of total building consumption.


Our Smart AI Isolator replaces existing dumb isolators attached to the majority of Air Conditioning and large industrial loads. These smart units analysis the power and temperature data and convert that into real world energy reduction capability which has demonstrated over a 30% energy and carbon saving for our customers and a capability of reducing a commercial buildings energy wastage by 10%. The award winning product has been installed by the likes of Mitsubishi Electric, Legal and General and KFC.

Key Benefits

Our Smart AI Isolator, not only allows remote on/off control of the system but analysis the energy data at high speed to provide energy saving utilisation information and predictive maintenance on the unit it is attached too. Combine that with extra power quality measurement capability and a metering chip and you have a fully future grid integrated system that saves your building and supply chain money and carbon.


Reduction of Air Conditioning for commercial buildings. Heatpumps. Refrigeration. Any heating or cooling units. Industrial motors, pumps and compressors.

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