Provides an inexpensive way to enable a regular FDM printer to print with ballistics gel, a new type of materials that will enable many


Technology # 19-39 This invention/technology provides an inexpensive way to enable a regular FDM printer to print with ballistics gel, a new type of materials that will enable many applications in defense, medical, optical industries.

Key Benefits

Advantage(s): Compared to other 3D printable materials, gel printing brings the following advantages: 1. Unparalleled flexibility: it is far more flexible than the most flexible 3D printable materials in the market. 2. Human tissue resemblance: it can simulate human body for different applications in defense and medical industries. 3. Optical clarity; ClearBallistics gel provides good optical performance with low density and flexibility and will likely enable new optical applications. 4. Low melting point for support structures and sacrificial materials. Compared to molding of gel, gel printing brings the following advantages: 1. Complex models can be made at low cost 2. Fast turnaround time 3. Ease of use technology


Some Target Application(s): 1. GEP printhead sold to regular customers who own an FDM printer or the FDM printer suppliers (e.g., Ultimaker or Makerbot) 2. A whole FDM printer packaged with both thermoplastic and gel printing capabilities

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