To measure soil Deploy the SenseM30, Connect to enable platform, See results immediately Works out of the box Connectivity in 152 countries Low Cost Easy to install and scale


Using the sense M30, with sensors within the probe, this permanent system, stays in the land providing data that is sent to the cloud. The Data is the run through our proven AI software to analyse the captured data and then reported to a local dashboard to provide carbon and NPK information. This is the only system that can simultaneously give data on soil carbon, water and nutrient availability as well as pH on any land type. This data is critical in allowing land managers to make decisions on how to maximise the beneficial outcomes of his land and the wider environment. There is a demand for Farmers to radically alter their method of food production, this is from pressure from ESG and yet there is little data, none in real time) to inform farmers how to make the changes required. Enable SaaS system has a significant solution for the farming and food producer in the UK This can be scaled globally and we are already running trials with major AgriSicence organisations and Government depts.

Key Benefits

The Results of carbon reporting in soil are accurate. Land Managers will access data never before available ESG is in turmoil and for carbon measuring this could be a game changer There is no other system that can do this in real time, with low human involvement. The Price point is low and the scale is huge, global we believe.


Agriculture Food Production Land Management Carbon Storage

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