We know when machines fail! Cassantec offers a prognostic solution for Predictive Maintenance using AI data analytics coupled with an efficiently configured expert system.


Cassantec has developed a prognostic solution for Predictive Maintenance that goes beyond the early warnings of predictive analytics. Our Prognostic Report provides insight into the future state of assets with an explicit time horizon of typically weeks or months, in special cases years. Our capabilities are proven through a strong and growing list of references. The significant financial benefits of Cassantec’s technology are reached through: • Understanding when in the future a malfunction is likely to occur • Lower maintenance cost • Higher asset availability, especially avoidance of unplanned downtime • Better planning of maintenance • Improved commercial strategies

Key Benefits

Operating industrial equipment requires decisions about the future under uncertainty (e.g. maintenance scheduling, asset management, operating strategies). The information basis for these future-oriented decisions is usually experience, gut feeling and simple heuristics. Based on advanced AI data analytics, Cassantec Prognostics calculates when to expect which malfunction with which probability. Other than our competition, we don’t only give early warnings, but provide actual explicit timelines until malfunction. That information helps improve all future-oriented decisions around technical assets. The financial benefit of using the better information from Cassantec Prognostics is in the millions, e.g. ~ EUR 35M for a 1.5 GW coal-fired power plant.


The solution is technically agnostic, hence can be applied to any component, from which process and condition data is available. We focus our sales efforts on process industries (continuous manufacturing, power, oil & gas, processing plants).

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