The client wanted to improve its current HR system, but they were unsure how it could do done, ItOne Goal was to develop a cloud-based HRMS Portal system that could run on browser


The client wanted to improve its current HR system, but they were unsure how it could be done. ITOne Infotech's goal was to develop a cloud-based HRMS Portal system that could run on browsers without the internet. Also, this portal would facilitate multiple logins and contain various required features.

Key Benefits

Interactive Dashboard The dashboard contains all the company details and metrics. Each business unit will have its own dashboard reflecting its metrics. Employee Activities All the information on how much time the employee was active on the work floor, how many days the employee took holidays, and their pay structure could be tracked through the portal.This gave a holistic view of the company to the employee. It can work both online and offline, and data is synced through the cloud. Hardware Integration ItOne cloud-based HRMS system allows the client to sync its biometric devices with the cloud. This made sure that there was proper tracking of various activities throughout the organization. Leave Management The entire process of leave application could be managed through the portal, from application to accepting the leave by the manager. Contractor commission report Some workforce is hired temporarily through a contractor, all the information of the contractor, i.e., what commission needs to be paid could be tracked through the portal.


ITOne Developed a portal which allowed the company to track all the information related to employees, i.e., their data, their pay structure, their timesheet, and also their leave application. Contractor module was developed which allowed the managers to follow deals with contractors and their payments schedule as well.

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