SteamaCo connects distributed utility assets to the internet, making off-grid utility provision economical and enabling frontier markets.


To industrialise, emerging markets need to deliver energy, water and fuel to 1.3bn unserved consumers. SteamaCo is concerned with making these utilities cheap, abundant and clean. Normally a utility sells its service via meters. But normal meters don’t work in an off-grid context. How do you sell power to someone without a bank account? How does a technician go to read the meter without a road to the house? SteamaCo enables convenient buying and selling of off-grid utilities. Our universal smart meter connects any utility asset to the cloud wirelessly. We crunch the data, process payments and physically switch utilities on or off within seconds. We're doing this right now, 1,000s of times a day, in places where you can’t even make a phone call.  

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