Use ioTHEATRE to understand customers’ behaviours in space, interactions with products and persons.


ABOUT ioTHEATRE ioTHEATRE is a customer experience management platform. We connect a fusion of sensors from the physical world to maps and human behaviours and their journeys in the physical world. We come from a user-experience design and storytelling background. Understanding customers’ behaviours in a space, their interests, the way they interact with products, their socio-demographic profiles and their journeys is key to start thinking about a better global experience. Having the opportunity to engage the right person, with the right content, at the right time is key, and easy on the web, but hard in the physical world. We think the ioTHEATRE will empower a new generation of UX designers to create rich and delightful customer experiences. Our approach resides in using sensor fusion as a key for a holistic approach of mapping the physical world. We combine camera vision, smartphone detection and a breakthrough precise WIFI positioning system to get micro details of interactions, as well as allowing the tracking in multiple places and time frames.

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