Accessible. Intuitive. Advanced. Designing cloud based enterprise-grade security software, specifically for the mid-market. Machine learning augmented security for every IT team.


Every IT department needs to understand what's happening with their organisation's data and what their users are doing.  It's called 'network visibility'. It's been around a while...and it remains a painful ambition for the majority of non-enterprise organisations. Traditional network visibility solutions suffer a number of weaknesses. On-premise only deployments; slow, complex onboarding; highly complicated configurations; lots of consultancy outsourcing; heavy CapEx ...and, the requirement to have a dedicated security resource to properly manage. Everything the mid-market can't afford. At CyberSparta, we're developing a cloud-based, Machine Learning assisted SaaS solution, designed specifically for the mid-market. The platform will allow the ubiquitous IT manager to select from advanced, pre-configured security use cases. Easily and quickly stream just the required data feeds via the cloud. Thereafter gain instant and mobile access to highly intuitive data analytics and forensic abilities. Our highly scalable model will allow for a simple monthly subscription model, rather than long contracts and heavy CapEx. Our Machine Learning capabilities will ensure only the most pertinent security risks are highlighted and presented for action.  

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