Brings electric power to every household, for every appliance, wherever its location; without grid, just put it down, connect the appliance, it will work.


Apparatus that multiplies electric power by a factor 10. Input is from a 12V battery at 166 Watts (measured) and output was 1800 Watts (measured), at 220VAC in this particular demo. 110 VAC and any DC should be and is possible. The technology will be scalable in a near future. Dimensions: at the demo the apparatus was built into a small toolbox, and weight is approx 1.5-2.0 kgs. During the demo a vacuum cleaner and a 200W lamp were powered, ongoing for 1 hour. This could/can not be done with the small battery. No maintenance, simply change the battery from time to time. This is a real product for a real problem, an estimated 2 billion people = approx 500 million households have no access to electric power. Their life ends at sundown, they cannot have light, no fridge, no charger for phones or laptop. At 2-3 Kw in near future this technology can change lives. Applications are numerous worldwide in isolated houses and hunting/fishing cabins, for campers, small tools in the garden or on building sites, etc, you name it, if it runs on electric power it will work.

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