Our innovation will measure and analyse energy usage and reward considerate users through gamification and an incentive scheme


Energenie Solutions is a suite of energy management tools including physical hardware and controls, measurement and analytics. Our new rewards scheme innovation builds on this to incentivise the people who have an impact on energy usage to behave in an energy-conscious way. Measurement of energy usage is achieved through a combination of our equipment such as our individual power monitors which can be fitted to anything from heavy industrial equipment to a coffee machine, and also by taking in digital data from existing sources such as meter readings. Analysing and presenting this data to our client is done through custom dashboards or data feeds in to existing front-end database systems. Working with our client, we will construct a tailored energy incentive scheme to share with the team on the ground, which in turn can be championed by energy captains or team/section leaders. Finding the best energy practices is then simplified and, as performance is monitored, goals and hence rewards can be agreed and deployed. Ultimately we will take the simple measurement of energy to the next level of influencing positive and sustainable energy usage practices.

Key Benefits

Our existing platform enables the collection of energy usage data in real-time, from a single device, single circuit or the whole property. We believe that collecting this data is just the first step. Currently we can present that data through our own custom dashboards, or send it to an existing system via API. This in itself provides valuable insights as to energy spend over time, and by usage type. The addition of controls, again part of our existing service, allow for much improved energy efficiency, for example only heating spaces that are occupied by people, and switching off devices and appliances automatically at the end of the day. Promoting energy awareness and rewarding best practices will further improve energy efficiency and lower the carbon footprint of our clients' operation.


Measuring of energy usage down to appliance level in real-time in shops, pubs and accommodation Providing insights in to energy usage and mix Communicating energy performance to those who directly impact energy use such as kitchen teams, student residents and energy champions Rewarding those who contribute to reducing energy through recognition and incentives

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