Connects buildings to people delivering a more comfortable, productive and energy efficient workspace.


Entelligently captures your comfort via a web app. Taking this data alongside weather and other background environmental data (collected from sensors in the building). Entelligently is learning about your comfort profile. The next step is Entelligently correlates when you are and are not comfortable. The service will engage the occupant via a smart nudge 'aka a snudge' to give tips on how to improve personal comfort. The service then predicts when comfort will and wont occur and advises you and the building on the best steps to improve comfort. This can be automated direct into the building management system or used to inform facilities managers. The outcome is a more productive workforce and a building that consumes less energy.

Key Benefits

Energy reduction in commercial buildings by 20% which reduces Co2 and reduces costs. Improved productivity gains worth over £1000 per employee per annum. Improved employee health and wellbeing. Also demonstrates a sustainability policy and will better manage environment recording required by legislation.


For use in commercial office, leisure and work space that has an energy bill of £100,000 per annum.

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