EXTO is a new-to-market innovation that delivers value across a range of disparate applications including machine analysis & TV branding inventory


EXTO controls the phenomenon known as temporal aliasing, for eg frequently witnessed on filmed rotating wheels and presenting the temporary illusion to viewers that a wheel is turning in slow or reverse motion OR presenting the illusion of stationary machine-components under fluorescent lighting. EXTO is activated on demand in real-time, with no burden of additional mass or maintenance on the target object. Valuable commercial applications include engineering fault-finding & predictive maintenance data on rotating and oscillating machinery. And sponsor ROI-boost across TV broadcasts - eg motorsports.

Key Benefits

Real-time, zero post-production system. A/ Operators of industrial, transportation, medical, etc machinery reduce cost by extending operating life of components and reducing downtime. B/ Event, team and athlete sponsors / brand-owners with television broadcasts achieve an immediate ROI on marketing spend in an area where currently there is a nil return.


Engineering component analysis of oscillating and rotating parts - particularly in areas where vibration probes are low-effect and where expensive high-speed cameras and software are the current status quo. Branding visibility on wheels and moving athletes / balls / etc to linear and OTT television audiences Consumer brand activations

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