EyeDetect offers non-invasive accurate un-biased credibility results in 30 minutes allowing Government and Companies to cover all aspects of Security & Employment with confidence.


Integrity Assured. We are pleased to showcase our unique integrity security screening system. We provide a unique highly confidential and efficient state-of-the-art detection system .It is a reliable and accurate non-invasive integrity test that can be used for security, recruitment and selection strategies for all levels of employment both government & private. Screening people who may be potentially linked to terrorism, criminal activity or hiding their true identity. The applications are endless. Unlike other screening processes EyeDetect uses a real time unique ocular motor scanner which photographs the eyes 60 times a second when reading on screen statements specially designed for each user to cover any issues that they have concerns about. The person being tested sits in front of a screen using a chin rest to stabilise their head. After calibrating their eyes to the optical scanner (2 minutes) the person sitting the test answers each question using a mouse or keyboard with a ‘true’ or ‘false’ key stroke. The question responses are measured via pupillary changes by the optical motor is taking measurements of pupil dilation, blink rate and other eye movements during the test and after approximately 35 minutes the test is completed. The results are sync’d to the server and processed within 5 minutes to any device, computer or mobile on the dashboard in a 2 page pdf report. We believe that EyeDetect provides a unique efficient, cost effective, confidential and empirically tested system for testing the integrity of individuals that can be managed and administered by governments, companies and clients with issues of trust. Cost efficient Portable Highly accurate classification of credible individuals – Empirically tested at 86% Incorruptible and unbiased results Fast results, test completed within 30 minutes – Results within 5 minutes Complete analytical reporting – Only authorised personnel may access reports Simple technology to use – Two days to complete training Bank level security – Fully encrypted.  

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