Not all plant-based commodities are created equal. Genetics of plants, processing traits and mixing of ingredients is playing a major role in consumers' experience.


Combining existing data from customer feedback and sales records with genetic information of ingredients, their processing and nutritional profiles, allows our FlavorScore AI to suggest new combinations that are predicted to become customer favorites.

Key Benefits

Plant Genetic Information: Our solution is the first one ever to use genetic insights for plant-based ingredients to come up with alternative crops, varieties or mixtures that will deliver the desired taste and texture.Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: By tailoring ingredients to customer preferences, you can consistently deliver products that resonate with their tastes, leading to higher customer satisfaction.Innovative Product Development: FlavorScore AI model's suggestions for novel ingredient combinations can lead to the creation of unique and exciting plant-based products that set you apart.Data-Driven Decision Making: You can make informed choices about ingredients, processing methods, and genetic traits based on real-time data, improving overall business strategies.Reduced Waste: Precise ingredient selection minimizes waste by ensuring that only the most desired combinations are used, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.Market Agility: The AI system enables you to quickly adapt to changing ingredient trends and customer preferences, staying ahead of market shifts.Boosted Creativity: By providing innovative ingredient suggestions, the AI encourages your chefs to experiment with new flavors and techniques, fostering culinary creativity.Stronger Supplier Relationships: Collaboration with ingredient suppliers down to plant breeders can lead to better partnerships.


Plant breeders have already relied on our AI-driven predictive breeding solution for almost a decade. We are now offering this technology to a wider range of companies in the ingredients value chain:Food ProcessorsIngredient CompaniesConsumer Product CompaniesFood StartupsFarmers and Agricultural Enterprises

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