Food products that incorporate our unique high glucoraphanin broccoli that's patented for its use in the treatment and prevention of T2Diabetes by consuming it once weekly.


We are a spin-out from the Quadram Institute with publicly funded technology in the form of a traditionally bred broccoli (no GM) that contains a very high quantity of a naturally occurring compound, Glucoraphanin.  We have a patent and clinical data that indicates a weekly portion can lower high blood sugar (a key risk for T2 Diabetes) to normal and maintain it, this is further supported by customer case studies, a few of which are available on our website (  There is a very large and growing body of science to suggest that this compound could provide a range of other significant health benefits for a variety of chronic conditions.  We grow and process the broccoli and our first product, SmarterNaturally instant soup incorporates the broccoli in a quantity defined by the clinical data.  We sell the soup D2C, predominantly by subscription.  We are aiming to launch a second product in Q2 24 and we are in discussions with major food manufacturers and retailers about ingredient supply and new product development. 

Key Benefits

Our product is an easy solution to reduce high blood sugar, improve metabolic health, reduce inflammation and published research indicates that it could be beneficial for a range of early stage cancers such as prostate and breast cancer. Clinical data suggests that you need to consume the product once weekly to get the benefits. For a number of chronic age-related conditions there is no treatment in the early stages of disease such as pre-diabetes or osteoarthritis (except for pain killers and steroid injections for the latter are often ineffective).


Initially we are focused on the T2 Diabetic market but in due course we would like to reach early stage prostate cancer patients, osteoarthritis sufferers and people who want to age well.

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