We use the Net Promoter Score methodology along with smart AI algorithms to create more engaged client bases for businesses - driving both client retention and active referrals.


GroHawk uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology to help businesses worldwide create more engaged client bases. Our smart algorithms help businesses measure their customer experience and segments users into relevant categories - allowing them to service recovery, retain existing clients as well as create raving brand ambassadors and drive active referrals. Our systems are integrated with popular social media platforms to ensure users can spread the word of their favourite businesses to their local networks as well as leave reviews on popular review sites such as Google and Facebook. This in-between communication allows businesses to stay relevant with their clients post purchase and to ensure they are completely satisfied and wow'ed with the experience they received. We help businesses to understand that providing a compelling and "wow" customer experience is every single client is the battleground over the next decade. In the past we had commoditisation of quality product, so businesses differentiated themselves with excellent service. Now good service is a given, so businesses must specialise through wow customer experience moments. Our systems helps to diagnose and act on these in an automated manner. Business owners and managers will now be able to hear exactly what their clients are saying about them in realtime and act accordingly.

Key Benefits

-- Hear what your customers are saying about you -- Maintain communication with clients post purchase/visit to drive loyalty -- Service recovery and client retention -- Actively drive new referrals through creating raving brand ambassadors. -- Manage your online reputation and SEO ranking through driving new social site reviews -- Generate live testimonials which you can embed into your website using the GroHawk widget. -- Ultimately GroHawk allows you to ensure you are meeting the expectations of each of your clients. Once you have done so, we leverage this engaged relationship to drive loyalty, repeat purchase and active new referrals.


This platform is applicable to any business who wants to drive engagement with a particular client set (whether B2B or B2C).

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