Retains the seatbelt in the optimum position on the shoulder at all times allowing the child freedom of movement within the limits of the seatbelt.


The Huggybelt is  mainly a child seat belt aid restraint that keeps the seat belt in the correct position at all times regardless of what the child may try to do in the front or back seats of any type of motor vehicle. It came about due to constantly correcting our children to place the seat belt back onto their shoulder as they were in the habit as most children do by removing the shoulder part and putting it  under their arms as it would annoy or rub their necks, when you as a driver have to constantly turn around even for a second to keep checking  that they have it on correctly your eyes are not where they should be, ie on the road ahead and in that second or two anything can happen in front of you. With the Huggybelt  fitted, you know as a driver and most importantly as a parent that your child is safe at all times, According to the Dept of Transport there are around 2000 child deaths in motor vehicles attributed to either the seat belt not being fitted properly or not being used at all, the D.O.T. introduced a new law change that came into effect on 18 Sept 2008 which was for children aged 3 to 12 yrs. old or smaller than 135mm had to be in a car or booster seat. Wearing the Huggybelt in conjunction with a three point seat belt will ensure the safety of your little gems as they travel in the car/van/bus or taxi, it can also be folded away at kept in the car glove box compartment or if you wish left in place attached to the seat belt ready for clipping on when travelling. Easily fitted in a matter of seconds over the rear off the shoulder and clipped into the existing T connection of the standard seat belt it will hold the shoulder part away from the ear and neck. It comes in a funky red colour and is padded for comfort , which can be easily seen in the rear view mirror eliminating a need for the driver to constantly turning around to check it`s on correctly. The child or children can freely move about, and the Huggybelt when fitted will ensure that the shoulder part will do what it has to in the event of a road traffic accident, they may choose to have a nap in the car and usually when they do they tend to lie to either left or right and this causes the shoulder part to slide down towards the lower part of the arm, or if they happen to reach over to pick a toy that has fallen towards the other side, again the belt will slip down rendering it useless in the event of a traffic accident as it is not in the correct position on the shoulder. The Huggybelt at all times will if used properly keep that part of the seat belt where it should be, and that’s on the shoulder keeping your children safe while travelling. The Huggybelt can also create more space in your car as it means you don’t have to have bulky child car seats after the age of 3 fitted, a booster seat used in conjunction with the Huggybelt  will make life easier for the driver and other passengers and can be removed when not in use. The Huggybelt can also be utilised in the disabled market to eliminate the bulky harness type of safety devices currently on the market.  

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