Dynamic (Biometric) e-signature removes the need for 'wet ink' signatures and the storage headache of paper documents.


Dynamic Signature Verification authenticates the identity of individuals by measuring their handwritten signatures. The signature is treated as a series of movements that contain unique biometric data, such as personal rhythm, acceleration and pressure. Unlike electronic signature captures that are often used today, Dynamic Signature verification does not treat the signature as a graphic image. With graphic images, such as the scanned in signatures we may often attach to our documents, it is not possible to detect the dynamics within each individual signature and hence the signatures can easily be copied. No person ever signs their name in exactly the same way twice. Because Dynamic Signature Verification can track each person’s natural fluctuations over time, it can easily determine forgery and better accept genuine signatures. It actually expects the signatures to be different each time which is uniquely different from other biometric solutions that store the same data (Iris pattern) in a database that has the potential to be hacked.

Key Benefits

Benefits: • Minimise fraud on signatures, • Greater efficiency of business processes - reduce the cost of paper handling and errors • Socially acceptable - more understandable especially on contractual commitments • Device independent and available on a wide range of devices - tablets, PC’s, smartphones, signature pads and a new 'sign' at home capability • Real Time Authentication - can use for payments transactions • Security/Non-Repudiation - tamper proof & robust legal status • Audit trail


Clients: • Biometric e–signature solutions have processed millions of electronic signatures to date around the globe. • Banking clients include GE Money Bank, Intesa San Paolo Bank (IT), Bred Banque Popolaire (FR), Unicredit (IT), Poste Italiane, BNL (IT), Banco BMG (Brasil), etc. • Insurance clients include Generali, Nürnberger/Garanta, and ING Insurance and other industry clients include T-Mobile (USA) and Vodafone.

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