AR-based navigation for Heathrow. Tailored for all, it aids those with non-visible disabilities, blending spatial mapping & visual cues for a seamless journey.


Immersal stands at the forefront of spatial mapping and visual positioning technology, revolutionizing the way spaces are experienced and navigated. In the bustling setting of Heathrow, one of the world's top international airports, Immersal's innovative prowess shines brightly through NaviAiR. This AR-based solution, rooted in Immersal's foundational technology, offers a beacon of intuitive navigation and inclusivity. As the brand consistently pushes the boundaries of what's possible in AR navigation, Immersal's commitment to enhancing user experience, particularly for those with non-visible disabilities, reaffirms its position as a trailblazer in the sector.Immersal technology can be integrated to an existing application(s) or implemented as a WebAR or standalone application. Our navigation technology supports indoors and outdoors use cases for all smart devices.

Key Benefits

Inclusive Navigation: Designed with every passenger in mind, NaviAiR provides tailored pathways for individuals, especially catering to those with non-visible disabilities, ensuring everyone can navigate Heathrow with ease.Enhanced Passenger Experience: Through AR visuals and context-aware information, passengers not only find their way but also engage with the airport environment in a futuristic, immersive manner.Reduced Dependency: With intuitive self-navigation, the airport can minimize the strain on staff and resources traditionally used for assisting passengers in wayfinding.Increased Efficiency: Passengers can reach their destinations faster, reducing the risk of missed flights and reducing congestion in key areas of the airport.Safety and Compliance: Real-time AR alerts ensure passengers are aware of safety protocols, restricted zones, and other essential compliance information as they move through the airport.Feedback Loop: The integrated feedback collection mechanism allows Heathrow to continuously refine and optimize the passenger experience based on real-time insights.Brand Enhancement: Offering a state-of-the-art navigation solution bolsters Heathrow's reputation as a leader in innovation and passenger service excellence.Data-Driven Decisions: Accumulated user data (compliant with GDPR) provides actionable insights for improving airport infrastructure, services, and operational efficiency.Cost-Effective: By streamlining the navigation process and reducing dependency on manual assistance, NavigAid offers a long-term cost-effective solution for the airport.Scalability: Immersal's technology ensures that as Heathrow evolves and expands, NaviAR can seamlessly adapt, ensuring consistent service quality.All devices: Immersal's technology supports all smartphones, tablets and most AR glasses on the market. Technology can be integrated to an existing application(s) or implemeted as a WebAR or standalone application.


Immersal's versatile AR navigation system finds its applications beyond just assisting individual passengers at Heathrow. Airlines can integrate it to enhance their in-app user experience, ensuring their customers navigate terminals effortlessly. Retail outlets within the airport can leverage it for location-based promotions, drawing passengers to their stores. Event organizers hosting exhibitions or conferences at airport venues can employ NaviAiR for directing attendees. Moreover, other high-traffic venues, like malls, stadiums, and transit hubs globally, can adapt the system, making NaviAiR a valuable asset for any establishment prioritizing ease of navigation and enhanced customer experience.

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