The present invention describes a method to increase the dynamic range of a solid-state monolithic device such as a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM).


Background: The present invention describes a method to increase the dynamic range of a solid-state monolithic device such as a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM). In this method, the incoming flux of photons is rendered non-uniform allowing a significant increase in the useful dynamic range achieved. The desired distortion of the incoming flux can be obtained in a variety of ways. These include simple non-focused lenses, prisms, interference films, mirrors, and attenuating films. Virtually any device which distorts the incoming flux will increase the dynamic range of the SiPM and combinations may be used to tailor the response to a desired application. In addition to silicon photomultiplier, the present inventive method can be applied to a wide range of non-linear detectors, sensors, or transducers. This invention enables an inexpensive jump in dynamic range which otherwise would only be attained by awaiting a new round of silicon chip production and masking.  

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