This technology is a thin photovoltaic module that concentrates direct and diffuse sunlight onto each individual solar cell, which increases the efficiency.


Micro-Scale Concentrated Photovoltaic Module Tech ID: UA15-129 Invention: This technology is a thin photovoltaic module that concentrates direct and diffuse sunlight onto each individual solar cell, which increases the efficiency. The concentrator lenses are designed to reduce tracking requirements, making these solar panels ideal for spaces requiring small footprints, such as buildings in dense urban areas. The design also includes a clever means of reducing the PV cell size under each lens so that the cells cool more efficiently. Background: Achieving concentration of sunlight onto photovoltaic cells in a small form factor has been a challenge. Additionally, gathering light at large angles of incidence, to include diffuse radiation, can improve the collection efficiency by as much as 25%. However, getting both of these features into a thin form factor has not yet been achieved. Status: issued U.S. patents #10,505,059, #11,056,599, and #11,456,394

Key Benefits

- Small, lightweight solar panels - Cheaper solar panels - Greater efficiency for light collection


- Solar panels - OLED illumination - Focused light for greater power in electronic devices

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