The vibrating part of the molecule effectively releases the heat via radiative/nonradiative processes, greatly reducing or eliminating the need for cooling by convection fans


Molecular Fan Inventor(s): C.T. Lin Abstract This invention provides a heat dissipation structure for use in optoelectronic devices. More specifically, this technology is an innovative heat dissipation thick/thin organic-inorganic coating containing active molecularly functionalized vibrational lattice modes designed to act as a molecular cooling fan. The molecular fan is powered directly from the heat generated by the device it is cooling, so it is a powerless heat sink with a spaceless nanoassembly. The "molecular fan" is used to enhance emissivity and radiative cooling of surfaces that are processed in a coated heat-sink or substrate and in tests has lowered the equilibrium temperature of optoelectronic components by 5-12 degrees centigrade. Potential commercial uses and users: A thermal cooling device for CPUs, computers, cell phones, LEDs, refrigerators, engines and aerospace applications. Advantages: In the powerless and spaceless molecular fan for nano or micro electronic devices, the vibrating part of the molecule effectively releases the heat via radiative/nonradiative processes, greatly reducing or eliminating the need for cooling by convection and mechanical fans. Status: Patent No. 7,931,969              Divisional Patent Pending

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