This invention relates to devices configured for use with automated testing or analyzing instruments for blood typing.


Summary Traditionally, blood typing has been performed manually by laboratory technologists. Laboratory technologists generally manually perform a series of assays and interpret the results. This traditional method can require a long testing time and technologists that are highly skilled in these assays. Recently, automated blood typing instruments have been introduced that are faster and more versatile. However, the current technology can be quite expensive because of many expensive moving parts, such as a robotic arm, a centrifuge, and a flow cytometer. Thus, generally all but the largest medical facilities can afford such technology. This invention relates to devices configured for use with automated testing or analyzing instruments for blood typing. The devices are configured to eliminate expensive steps and/or components required by many automated testing instruments. The devices can becapable of isolating cells in solution without inflicting the cell damage associated with the vacuum or centrifuge. The devices may include at least a well member configured to be disposed in a sample well of a well plate. The well member may include an first end and an opposing second end; a first section disposed at the first end and a second section disposed at the second end, the second section defining a reservoir configured to hold a predetermined volume of a fluid; and plurality of cut-outs extending between the first section and the second section, the cut-outs being configured to allow the fluid to flow out of the well member. These devices are more compact and less expensive than current instruments.    

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