The proposed invention is very low cost compared to other products in the field.


Summary A nanoclay based solid sorbent is provided having a nanoclay with at least one surface, and at least one amine containing compound wherein the amine containing compound is attached to the surface, as well as a method of making it. A method of capturing carbon dioxide gas is disclosed includes passing a gas from an effluent process stream containing carbon dioxide through the nanoclay based solid sorbent and capturing the carbon dioxide gas on the surface and within the nanoclay based solid sorbent. The nanoclay based solid sorbent having the captured carbon dioxide gas is regenerated by undergoing one or more cycles of desorption of the captured carbon dioxide gas from the nanoclay. The regenerated nanoclay based solid sorbent may then be reused. Benefits The present invention solves the problems of current solid sorbents by using easily available low cost materials to make solid sorbents which can be produced on large scales using well-established industrial methods. Additionally, many existing solid sorbents do not have high carbon dioxide capture capacity. This invention achieves a much higher capture capacity.  

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