This technology offers controllers with computing power substantially greater than that of conventional digital computing.


Description This technology offers a new generation of analog control devices that are based on a novel model of the neurological structure of the brain. These controllers are faster, smaller, cheaper, and computationally much more powerful than digital computers.  Simultaneous real-time control of up to tens of thousands of parameters with high precision, flexibility, and reliability are possible with broad applicability to a wide variety of applications including robotics, traffic control systems, power grid distribution systems, warehouse storage control, environmental control, and balance control for static and dynamic structures.  A novel model is employed of the Inferior Olive (IO) neurons in the brain. This model is substantially less complex than previous models yet does not sacrifice accuracy in mimicking the overall dynamics of IO neurons. These neurons play an important role for the brain in motor performance and control of movement. Electronic circuits embodying this model can be clustered into arrays of intercoupled processing units and can be miniaturized in microchip or VLSI form.  This technology offers controllers with computing power substantially greater than that of conventional digital computing. Such controllers do not operate numerically but rather work by internally emulating a large set of possible solutions to a task.   

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