With our advanced biofortification methodology nutritional profile of vertically farmed crops can be boosted to provide RDA of targeted essential micronutrients without additives


Vertically farmed greens grown in totally controlled agriculture systems provide constant year around supply of crop products clean from harmful pesticides. With our technology and highly optimised growth protocols providing targeted biofortification we can enrich the nutritional quality of the crops with proven uplifts in essential vitamin and mineral levels. Levels can be manipulated to correspond to customer needs to create targeted consumer products for premium markets including childhood nutrition sector. Controlled growing methods provide reliable source of produce with constant nutritional levels with need for minimal post harvest processing

Key Benefits

Biofortification provides high nutritional density in crops without need of additives. Range of vitamins and minerals can be boosted to correspond customer needs and methodology can be applied to wide variety of crops. There is no seasonal variation in crop quality and the production location is flexible due to transferrable technology. High hygiene production, sustainability and low environmental impact production provide added benefits for the crop products


High nutritional density crops have wide applications in consumer products where premium nutritional benefits from natural sources are required. Target groups include older adults, high performing adults and children

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