Novel mERβ antisera addresses this lack of specific antisera against mERβ protein. It will allow investigators to explore the cellular and physiological role of ERβ.


JHU REF: C13125 Invention Novelty his tangible material is a genetically modified GnRH neuron-specific ERβ knockout mouse model (GERβKO) and a specific antisera for mouse ERβ (mERβ) that can be used to explore the cellular and physiological role of ERβ. Value Proposition Two estrogen receptors (ERs) have been identified to date ERα and ERβ. Although much is known about ERα at the mRNA and protein levels, our knowledge of the expression and distribution of ERβ protein is much more limited. Current available antibodies for ERβ are not very reliable due to the divergent immunohistochemical analysis results.  This developed novel mERβ antisera addresses this lack of specific antisera against mERβ protein. This polyclonal antibody will allow investigators to explore the cellular and physiological role of ERβ. Technical Details Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a genetically modified mouse model GERβKO and antisera for mERβ. The antisera was developed using 18 specific amino acids (CSTEDSKSKEGSQNLQSQ) in the C-terminus of the mERβ conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin protein. The antisera was then used to confirm to the ERβ deletion in the GnRH neurons of GERβKO mice. Stage of Development Tangible Material Data Availability Animal data Patent Status None – Tangible Material Publication(s)/Associated Cases OR30-2: Reproductive Axis Disruption of Mice Lacking Estrogen Receptor β in GnRH Neurons Categories Research Tools, Tangible Property, Mouse strain Keywords Estrogen receptor beta; ERβ antisera; knockout mice Direct Link  

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