A Gyrotron, which generates a ~1.8T magnetic field. The magnetic field is produced by water cooled copper electro-magnet with 20 kW consumption.


We have developed a breakthrough device that will make an MRI device portable and fast working (0.3 sec). The device makes use of Prof. Einat’s Gyrotron, which generates a ~1.8T magnetic field. The magnetic field is produced by water cooled copper electro-magnet with 20 kW consumption. Our device can provide an alternative to the common superconducting magnet used in MRI/NMR, which must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures during operation and lengthy time to full activity.

Key Benefits

A strong homogeneous magnetic field is required for a gyrotron as well as other applications. For many applications, the natural solution is a superconducting magnet, but for some applications, this solution is not suitable. Our invention is a copper-based design of a continuous, strong magnetic field source. The design is based on a spaced Bitter solenoid with various radii, and with a transversely flowing cooling system. The results of the design are ±0.19% homogeneity over a length of 25 mm, and a power consumption of 20 kW for continuous operation. These results show that such a concept is applicable for a 95-GHz gyrotron operating in a long pulse and continuous mode. Our gyrotron can be used as a magnetic field generator for MRI/NMR device providing a ~30 cm bore, which will make it ideal for tabletop applications. Importantly, as the cooling of the magnets is done with water and without a continuous supply of scarce helium.


Defense. NMR. MRI. Medical

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