Never wait in for a parcel delivery or collection ever again with our secure home delivery box. Couriers and retailers can deliver parcels first time round every time.


The only smart, safe and secure, simple to use, stand-alone and home/business located parcel box for online shopping, offering full Proof of Delivery for deliveries and collections. The PeliPod concept consists of three main components: A central application which controls: - The allocation of unique, for a specific PeliPod, One Time Use (OTU) codes assigned to an individual parcel for delivery or collection - The maintenance of unique user (consumer) PINs to control access to the PeliPod - Communication via email and PeliPod portals to consumers, retailers and carriers for date and time of opening / closing of the PeliPod Sophisticated electronic entry system: - An entry keypad where the Code/PIN is entered - An electronically activated lock - Camera (and flash) for photographing the contents of the PeliPod - Communication for the receipt of entry codes (PINs) - Communication of date/time of box opening/closing with the photograph = The Proof of Delivery (POD) A physical polycarbonate delivery pod: - Including security fixings - The PeliPod is located at the consumers house - The unique OTU code is printed on the label or sent to the - courier to open the PeliPod for parcel delivery or collection - The consumer has a unique PIN to open the PeliPod for accessing a delivered parcel or placing a parcel for return.

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