Pixofarm is an AI based solution, which empowers fruit producers to get the most of their orchards by providing them reliable yield monitoring data by just using their smartphones.


Better decisions across the entire fruit production value chain Upgrade your orchard operations with Pixofarm's AI-powered services! Say goodbye to expensive tech and hello to effortless yield and crop monitoring data, fruit counting and fruit size measuring in the orchard and packhouse.

Key Benefits

Better decisions across the entire value chain Optimize on-field operations Save time and resources and improve your on-field tasks like thinning, watering and the use of other operating resources by digitalizing manual processes. Maximize profits Get all the data you need to adjust production processes to reach the desired fruit quality and therefore boost your revenues. Enhance marketing and sales By receiving production predictions many weeks before harvest, you can negotiate a better price and improve sales and marketing channels. Improve logistics Use Pixofarm data to improve picking logistics by organizing the right amount of picking personnel and materials at the right time and better plan your shipments. Smarter sorting and storage Improve your sorting and storage operations by knowing what is in each bin by collecting real-time inventory data before the fruits leave your orchard.


Our solution can be used by fruit growers in the orchards to optimize on-field operations like thinning, but also plan their logistics, marketing and sales processes better by getting yield estimations couple of weeks before their actual harvest. It can also be used by cooperatives, packhouses and retail to scan the harvest bins and get information and quality and size distribution. All users need to do is download the mobile app and take pictures of a random sample of their trees or harvest bins.

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