Polaron has a 60 Billion voxel budget to represent full 3D systems and damage, changes or development to simulate change e.g. smart grids, new tech. etc


Urban Hawk have been running since 2017 - with an increasing focus on Simulation and real-time simulation based on GIS, big data and very large scale simulated environments. We have won awards from NIST, PSCR in the USA and recently completed a Horizon programme called 5G-Victori - running simulations at the edge, powered by 5G and real-time data inputs supporting multiple concurrent users.

Key Benefits

Largest Voxel simulation tool in the world running on COTs hardwareConvert data and graphs to texels (think a flattened voxel) to present physical network location and infrastructure including XYZ, state, semantic values etc. We have ingested EOS LEO thermal data from SatVU across East London and can simulate temperature change, flooding etc. Working towards a per property (UPRN) profile to permit consumption and patterns of life / consumption to be modelled. Semantic components (e.g. sub-station load / power generation / smart networks) can be replaced or change to permit simulation. Can write and read from semantic DB's e.g. Graph DB and others - so a change in the sim can affect a state in the graph / GIS / C2 system


Serious Sim / Wargaming Disaster analysis and support (Horizon follow on proposal submitted)Risk analysis and insurance Simulation of infrastructure and change. (Horizon proposal pending)Defence and Security

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