Finds a power balance amongst components, so that not only operating costs are minimized, but also all energy storage systems maintain their individual optimal working capacities.


Active Electrical Power Flow Control System Inventor(s): Donald Zinger, Anima Bose, Zhihong Yu Abstract The invention provides an energy management system that provides power efficiency in electric hybrid vehicles. The system provides a method of controlling power flow in a vehicle, including the steps of determining the amount of energy storage required for each power source device and controlling the power flow delivery between the source devices to the vehicle. This systematic method of establishing component values and determining power distribution better utilizes the energy sources in fuel cell electric vehicles by taking advantage of the unique charging/discharging properties of each source to maximize individual component capacities. The control system utilizes algorithms for determining the amount of energy storage required for each of the devices, and for determining controlling power flow delivery between the devices. When the size of the energy storage systems is decided, a new method of controlling the power flow is proposed based upon optimal control techniques. Potential commercial use and users: Plug-in and non plug-in electrical power delivery hybrid devices that utilize standard battery, capacitors, and fuel cells for golf carts, automobiles, motorbikes, snowmobiles, motorboats, and jet skis for example. Avantages: This invention controls power management for any fuel cell/battery, battery/super-capacitor, or fuel cell/battery/super-capacitor hybrid electric vehicle. It solves the problem of distributing the power requirement among all contributing energy storage systems. The mathematical algorithms control and distribute adequate power from the available sources depending on the energy demands. Such a controlling process finds a power balance amongst components, so that not only operating costs are minimized, but also all energy storage systems maintain their individual optimal working capacities. Using this energy management invention, the battery can re-energize during the operational cycle if a user occasionally forgets to recharge the battery through plug-in. Status: Patent No. 8,080,971

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