RetVas gives an instant automated screening report from a retinal image for various diseases. It currently screens for cardiovascular wellness, ROP and diabetic retinopathy.


About RetVas RetVas is cloud-based software as a service tool for screening retinal images for various retinal diseases. It can also be provided as licensed software to run on your local computers. We have developed it fully for cardiovascular wellness screening and retinopathy of prematurity screening. Our further development is for comprehensive diabetic retinopathy screening and ultimately a selfie lens add-on to a smartphone to take retinal images, which then RetVas can analyse, to allow at-home analyses.   Automated cloud based retinal screening to provide an instant answer to uncovering disease processes in your eye. We shall equip optometrists with wellness screening, alerting up to 22 million people in the UK alone of potential pending cardiovascular problems. We shall streamline NHS services to provide automated diabetic retinopathy screening for the 2.2 million diabetics in the country at a more cost-effective rate than current services. We shall offer retinopathy of prematurity screening for babies in countries where there is currently no screening program in place, freeing these tiny infants from a lifetime of darkness.   Patented bio inspired algorithms to analyse retinal images to find pathological features. RetVas is unique - the only known patented software worldwide that can automatically and accurately find retinal vessels in a retinal image. It then quantifies the vessels for disease relevant features such as width and tortuosity. RetVas was developed to look at the tiniest vessels in the tiniest eyes of our tiniest premature babies and therefore is adept at sub-pixel feature recognition. This is applicable to other areas. RetVas can now detect pathological features in diabetic retinopathy such as haemorrahges, microaneurysms and cotton wool spots offering comprehensive diabetic retinopathy screening.   Your eye is a window into your health. RetVas is image analysis software to detect disease processes at the back of the eye. RetVas can give a cardiovascular wellness score from an image of the back of the eye. It can screen for sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy, a condition affecting the working aged population who require yearly retinal checks. RetVas screens for retinopathy of prematurity; a blinding condition of preterm babies.   We use in depth medical knowledge coupled with state of the art patented computer algorithms to benefit people's health worldwide. We provide general wellness scores and specific screening tests for potentially blinding eye conditions. We run our software in the cloud, so all that is required from our customers is the click of a button to upload a retinal image, then our screening result will be sent directly back. A seamless process for a valuable health result.   Our small but dedicated team is made up of doctor, computer scientist and business specialists. Dr Clare Wilson, founder of RetVas, consultant ophthalmologist and university lecturer has worked on this project since her PhD studying retinal disease in preterm babies and is determined to see it commercially available to save the sight of preterm babies in countries where there are currently no facilities and an epidemic of devastating visual loss from the disease. Dr Eddie Edwards has 20 years experience in medical image analysis and computer vision and is enthusiastically heading the software development. Carolina Ricaurte and Maribel Santos are young enthusiastic marketing MBAs keen to prove themselves in their field. We all have a healthy common passion -to build a successful social enterprise to make a difference to sight and well being worldwide. Use RetVas, the window into your health.

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