RTreporter is a solution that allows you to detect emerging events at an early stage (e.g. before they surface in the media) with an easy-to-use interface.


RTReporter is an early warning system for information or events in news or other media. How does it work: • Analyzes real-time (unstructured) big data. • Automatically recognizes topics. • Automatically discovers what is "different" from trends in the development of topics (anomaly detection / early warning system). • Disovers trends. Discover topics at an early stage. • Discover what would otherwise remain undiscovered. So it gives you insights in what you could be missing on. • Works on the basis of artifcial intelligence (AI), text analysis and machine learning. • Does not search for what is already known, but for what is still unknown. An inconspicuous tweet gives rise to an explosion in the news. We are able to detect these tweets. We do this not by measuring the amount of tweets about a certain subject, but by determining the deviation from the "normal" number of expected tweets. • It can be set on a specific domain by training the AI ​​algorithm • Is not only suitable for Twitter data but can be applied to other information flows such as facebook, blogs, news reports and newspaper articles

Key Benefits

It gives you more understanding how mayor events are being triggered in an early stage. So for example you discover braking news in an early stage and. The advantage of this is that you can take faster decicions that support for example your brand or communications policy.


It applicable for news rooms, newspapers, policy makers, corporate communications, stock brokers

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