Shopper Passport allows Hammerson shoppers to create personalized moodboards of their favorite products


Mood boards serve as the foundation for tailored recommendations, in-app and real-life activities, metaverse experiences, and exclusive rewards. By analyzing the mood boards, Hammerson can unlock new opportunities for shoppers, such as prize-winning contests, special discounts, and more. Additionally, the mood boards incorporate a social sharing and social proof component, promoting the viral nature of user-generated content and fostering an engaged shopping community.

Key Benefits

The FANFARE Shopper Passport enables Hammerson to: 1. Sidestep POS limitations. 2. Have the most granular multi-brand customer profiles to date. 3. Classify shoppers based on granular, voluntary data. 4. Reward geolocation, thereby operating within GDPR rules. 5. Maintain a relationship with the shopper while they are away from the stores/mall. 6. Enable non-adversarial, pull-based marketing mechanisms. 7. Turn every shopper into an influencer. 8. Collaborate with brands to make recommendations: if shopper saves information from products A and B, the Passport can recommend product C. 9. Create new revenue streams by selling advertising and promotional opportunities on the mood board (Pinterest). 10. Incentivize the brands to share their data in exchange for the Passport’s more specific insights. 11. Use the Shopper Passport as a zero-party data stream to be combined with other data sources, match up the data, and improve the quality of anonymous streams.


1. Distributed data supply chain. 2. Extendable metadata 3. Digital personal data passport. 4. SMI solutions 5. Social proof 6. Distributed ecommerce 7. Real time data monitoring 8. Verifiable digital asset solutions (NFT) 9. Unique phygital collectibles and wearables

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