A smart system out of pressure sensitive matrix, readout electronics and software developed by iL. Easy integration of the sensor foil directly on the shelf to detect objects.


Benefits at a glance: Autonomous inventory control, Plausibility check, Detection of mistakes, Simple installation, Favorable unit costs The Smart Shelf aims towards real-time cycle counting. Whether in high-rack warehouses for pallets or rapidly changing interim storage facilities, pressure or weight changes can be detected at all times by integrating pressure-sensitive sensor foils. Thus, a permanent inventory can be realized. The system then provides real-time inventory information which can be used, for example, to detect incorrect entries in the system, to avoid incorrect order picking or to optimize warehouse logistics in general. Moreover, pressure sensor foils that are placed underneath valuable goods can immediately raise the alarm if the pressure distribution changes, e.g., when items are stolen.

Key Benefits

Autonomous inventory control, plausibility check, detection of mistakes, simple installation, favorable unit costs


retail, logistics, inventory control,

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