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About Chime We strengthen your research efforts with up-to-date, experience-based perspectives of experts Reaching the best experts requires knowing where to look, and having the time and tools to do so We connect you via a phone call with top experts in any industry, no matter how niche, according to your specifications Experts are screened by our highly trained staff and are required to agree to our terms of use and compliance policy, which can be tailored to your firm Our proprietary technology enables fast turnaround, minimises hassle for you, and keeps costs low How It Works Submit your request via email or phone Receive a shortlist of expert profiles by the end of the next working day Make your selection and provide your calendar availability Join your consultation(s) via conference call You will have a dedicated account manager for your request, who will be happy to accommodate your preferences, answer any questions and incorporate your feedback Case Example The strategy department of a large UK retailer was looking to support their internal work on store segmentation and marketing/promotional investment planning.  Within 24 hours, Chime presented them with a shortlist of experts, and the client elected to move ahead with three.  They reported that the consultations helped them test their initial hypotheses and refine the approach of their analysts to form a more robust strategy for the company. Working Together Give us a try with up to 3 calls for free on your first request Our flat rate and no retainer helps you with planning and budgeting Depending on your firm’s needs, there’s the potential to subscribe to simplify payments and reduce annual spend  

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