Research show 80% of organisations are inefficient at controlling their software licensing costs.


Besides developing their own unique “usage based” technology for all types of software licensing in all the environments from desktop to cloud server, TBSC also work with “best of breed” partners in Software Asset Management and Deployment to provide tools available as one seamless solution or as individual modules. 1- Discovery- RayVentory Identify and locate ALL your IT assets, servers & cloud inventory, down to component level by agent-less technology for non-intrusive scanning. Automate the process of IT discovery and inventory through the intelligent collection and normalization of asset information, without the need to deploy software agents! Leveraging the latest in current technology to provide seamless integration with enterprise applications and deployment. Includes all hardware, sockets, cores, cloud, servers, ect. 2- Understand what software assets are being used and identify potential cost savings- Rentsoft Meter New research by The Business Software Centre reveals that 80% of organisations are inefficient at controlling their software licensing costs. Rentsoft Meter™ is designed to help your organization be more cost-effective. With accurate software usage reports sent direct to you within minutes of deployment you can identify wasted costs and improve your IT efficiency. Whether your software budget is escalating, or you simply want to find new ways to save money, Rentsoft Meter™ will enable you to do just that. It allows you to: • Gather software usage from SCCM or from MS Windows services. • Match software usage levels with software entitlements in Aspera SmartTrack • Analyse and display software efficiency levels graphically. • Identify potential cost savings by each software publisher 3- Software Asset Management- Aspera Ensure compliance and avoid risk of audit from industry leading SAM tooling. From audit defence to License Management as a Service (LaaS), the new SmartTrack 4 is your single, strategic solution for complex SAM challenges. (brief description with ending results statement) save time and costs on your ULA, find answers about your Oracle environment in seconds, nail targets, and breeze through contracts, would you ever go back to complicated? 4- SPLAreporter Software licensing is facing many new challenges as computing continues to move towards an integrated cloud-based ecosystem, with 63% of enterprises utilising private cloud services in 2015. However, 59% of business enterprises said they did not have the necessary knowledge to do so. This has led to mass complication for software licensers to calculate how much customers should be paying, as there is currently no universal method of tracking their usage. One way this issue is being addressed is through The Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA) program, which was created by Microsoft in 2007 as an option to allow hosted service providers (HSPs) to offer licensed software (such as MS Dynamix, MS Office) as part of their hosted services. The hosting providers submit monthly reports to the publishers (via LSPs) of the software to show how many ‘SPLAs’ have been deployed to end user organisations so that the LSPs can invoice them the corresponding amount. However, current limitations in this technology have led to these reports being created either manually or with inadequate scripts deployed through the hosted environments. SPLAreporter is an automated solution that collates and presents software usage data to address the globally recognised challenge of accurate reporting in licensed software usage, especially in SPLA from Microsoft. SPLAreporter is fully automated resulting in the reduction of errors by 25% and timely, consistent report creating. These reports can be fully customised to appear on a scheduled basis and automatically produce corresponding invoices. Agentless scanning finds and catalogues all software deployments and ensures that data accuracy is automatically produced. The web base reporting services provides value added facilities which lead to accurate billing and avoidance of doubt in the validity of SPLA reports. 5- Software Packaging- RayPack An enterprise IT department has to face many changes nowadays: migration to Windows 10, virtualization, cloud computing, bring-your-own-device and a lot more. IT managers are asked not only to define strategies for these new subject matters, but also to cut costs and improve the efficiency in all areas of their work, whilst delivering better service to their end users. With this growing complexity in mind, ad hoc testing, converting, and packaging applications is no longer a viable method. IT departments need to control and streamline tasks by a unified Application Lifecycle Management system, which encompasses the whole application lifecycle. A critical part of this lifecycle is the packaging or re-packaging of software applications to convert them to the required format for automated deployment to managed devices. This is exactly where RayPack as a framework for the creation and management of software packages kicks in: It supports a broad variety of package formats, operating systems, and deployment systems. The RayPack components allow enterprises to implement well-structured processes for controlling and executing EALM tasks.

Key Benefits

- Have full control of all software costs and IT assets. - Identify potential cost savings - Software Packaging


TBSC also work with “best of breed” partners in Software Asset Management and Deployment to provide tools available as one seamless solution or as individual modules.

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