Inka Robotics allows safer, faster, less painful, and more accurate tattoos, allowing you to create designs far beyond human capabilities and to preview the tattoo in AR.


We are building tattooing robot. Why?  First of all - the tattoo industry hasn’t changed in over a hundred years and is yearning for change! Secondly, it’s a booming industry - over 65M Americans have one tattoo or more. Next year, the numbers will increase by more than 6M people... In US today more people have tattoos than they have iPhones!! Inka Robotics offers safer, faster, less painful, and more accurate tattoos, allowing you to create designs far beyond human capabilities and to preview the tattoo in AR. But the gist is our newly developed virtual marketplace, where famous artists from around the world can upload their tattoo designs. If john doe doesn’t have the time, money or capability to travel to his favorite artist abroad, he can use our marketplace with the robot. We already built our first POC. We even tattooed our CTO with our logo!  Since we do not require FDA approval, we are able to be on the market within less than a year.  We are a strong team, working together already for more than 2 years on this project, and also have a patent pending application.  The company was chosen to be a finalist at MassChallenge Israel accelerator in 2017.  If you want to invest and be part of our company, we'll be more than happy to share with you all our plans and projections. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Our official site:      

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