The lignin can be depolymerized first and is an excellent source of terrestrial carbon that can be developed into thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.


Invention Summary Lignin is a key component of woody plants, the most abundant aromatic bio-polymer in nature, and is made up of a mixture of aromatic alcohols, the monolignols, as opposed to carbohydrate monomers. Commercially, lignin is sourced from wood products and is a direct byproduct of the pulping process to convert wood into wood pulp and extract cellulose. However, it is currently treated as a waste product which limits its use. Webster et al have identified another use through the acetoacetylation of lignin to develop bio-based resins. The lignin can be used directly from the pulping process or be depolymerized first and is an excellent source of terrestrial carbon that can be developed into thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Acetoacetylation of lignin results in a resinous liquid. Benefits Low-cost bio-based resin Provides another use for a waste product Improved solubility and viscosity over lignin Applications in coatings, composites, and adhesives Technology The technology includes acetoacetylated lignin resin compositions in addition to methods of making and curing the compositions. Patents This technology is patent pending with fully preserved PCT patent rights and is available for licensing/partnering opportunities. (RFT-490)  

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