TouchEye technology presents a complete replacement for a mouse or touchscreen input.


The Technology:   TouchEye is: •    Twice as fast as other gaze-based click alternatives under testing, even for novice users. •    Frequent use increases performance, approaching that of the mouse.  •    Does not cause inadvertent clicks, as they occur in other gaze-based click alternatives. •    Minimizes visual and cognitive distractions. •    Allows for consistent screen content - removes the need for overlapping content which competes for viewer attention (e.g. radial menus). •    Does not change screen content as magnification techniques do (e.g. fish-eye lens). •    Based on natural gaze movement (other gaze-based click alternatives require artificial eye control such as dwelling, blinking or gestures, which are tiring and not preferred by users). •    Minimises hand movement and is likely to reduce the occurrence of repetitive strain injuries (RSI).   Background: Auckland UniServices Limited is the largest research and development company of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and a wholly owned company of The University of Auckland. By connecting its clients with The University’s brightest academic minds, UniServices provides commercial organisations the innovative technologies they seek, and governments the national programmes they need. The results can mean huge strides in a company’s international competitive edge, or in a country’s health, education and welfare capability. UniServices manages all of The University’s intellectual property and is responsible for all research-based consultancy partnerships and commercialisation.  UniServices' open innovation and world-class thinking can change the world.  

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