After treatment, mice treated with NP formulations containing a therapeutic peptide exhibited significantly less asthmatic symptoms compared to the control group.


Short Description     Researchers at the University of Iowa have developed a novel, NP-based formulation for asthma therapy that is capable of local and sustained release of the drug in the lungs. Polymeric Nanoparticles (NPs) are a great candidate for the formulation of asthma therapies because they can encapsulate and release the therapeutic agents over time, reducing the number of administrations. They can also be easily coated with mucoadhesive agents to be retained in the airways and lungs when delivered via nebulization. These NP formulations were administered to asthmatic mice and tested for lung function. After treatment, mice treated with NP formulations containing a therapeutic peptide exhibited significantly less asthmatic symptoms compared to the control group. Background Information Asthma is a common lung disease affecting over 300 million adults and children worldwide. Asthma is associated with increased reactive oxygen species (ROS), eosinophilic airway inflammation, bronchoconstriction, and mucus production. Although there is not a complete cure for the disease, there is a need for the development of safe and effective treatments that allow asthma suffers to manage their symptoms as necessary. Novel therapeutic agents that target the lungs of patients with asthma may improve efficacy of treatments and minimize side effects. Benefits Therapeutic agents are released over time; Therapeutic agents are retained longer in the airways; Decrease in the number of administrations needed.  

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