Kiosk that is field installed and is capable of allowing a person to interact with a program, such as the Medicaid program, or communicate directly with a counselor remotely.


Summary   The present invention describes a kiosk that is field installed and is capable of allowing a person to interact with a program, such as the Medicaid program, or communicate directly with a counselor for the program, so that the person may enroll, change health plans, review benefits, etc., within the program from a remote location. This kiosk allows a user to navigate through a Medicaid process via a touch screen monitor facilitated by an onscreen navigator employing ladder logic. The kiosk has a housing to which a bracket that holds the monitor and a keyboard is attached, the bracket capable of sliding up and down and tilting back and forth. A user initially identifies him or herself to the system via a card reader and confirms identity via a biometric reader. Once within the system, the user navigates via the monitor through the assistance of an onscreen navigator that is set up using ladder logic. At any point during the process, a counselor may be called via a telephone attached to the housing. Once all data is collected for a user, the internal processor transmits the data to a central server. The variable height interactive kiosk 10 allows the user's application to be submitted to the appropriate agency for processing in real time and with a high degree of certainty of receipt. Should a subcomponent of the overall application system fail, the variable height interactive kiosk 10 provides a level of redundancy so that such failures can be cured immediately upon identification of the failure, possibly without the user ever knowing of the failure.  

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