The current invention is for partially baking (“par-baking”) the green coffee beans to produce coffee flour that not only preserves the CGA levels, but retains the caffeine.


Summary  In recent years, green coffee bean extract from unroasted coffee beans has attracted worldwide attention as a dietary supplement.  The green coffee beans provide chlorogenic acid (CGA) antioxidants that have been clinically proven to beneficially modulate sugar metabolism and the insulin response. CGA may also assist in, controlling blood pressure and heart disease. However, green coffee beans have an unfavorable flavor profile. Roasting of green coffee beans to improve its flavor for consumption, aroma, and color (as in drinking coffee) degrades CGA, necessitating the packaging of unroasted coffee extract as capsules. The current invention relates to a new method for partially baking (“par-baking”) the green coffee beans to produce coffee flour that not only preserves the CGA levels, but retains the caffeine.    

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