An interactive mobile app - personalised vaccination plan and scientific information about vaccines and their importance.


In March in just 2 days we launched a Covid mandatory quarantine application for the Polish Government. Now it has 3 million users accounts performing hundreds of thousands of tasks per day with voice bots informing people about results of tests, isolation or quarantine. Our system and interactive mobile application are used to assign, execute and verify tasks and micro trainings on a large scale in many locations simultaneously. It allows you to instantly change content to targeted groups, make A/B tests on subgroups before launching content, monitor progress and send automatic notifications (push, SMS, mail, personalised voice bot). The solution offered is a mobile application (Android and iOS) containing current information about the vaccination against different diseases relevant for different risk, gender, age groups (or others), as well as geographies and providing assistance with the process of vaccination (reminders). The state of the pandemic and information regarding the process of mass vaccinations are very dynamic. People need one reliable source of knowledge on this subject. Those who intend to vaccinate and those who are distrustful or need more information could find it in the mobile application, which they can download at any time. Users can first read information on mandatory and recommended vaccinations (supported by scientific research) and, after completing the questionnaire, plan their vaccination schedule. After the initial questionnaire has been completed task and information may be customised to the user's medical history, age, plans and other factors. Questions relate to age, type of work performed (degree of exposure to the infected person), health condition and other diseases, travelling plans, previous vaccination etc. Users receive information on what they should be vaccinated against and with how many doses. If vaccination is necessary before travel, they will be informed how much time they should start the process before departure. In addition, users receive push notifications depending on the stage the user is at (curiosity, interest in the vaccination, vaccination planning, during the vaccination, after the vaccination) e.g. a reminder of the next dose after the appropriate time or health recommendations just after the vaccination. Additionally, a patient will have the opportunity to fill in a form concerning their health and well-being or to ask a question. The application includes also micro-trainings in the form of tasks such as: "What is the vaccination process status in my country?", "Are the vaccines working?" (referring to the latest scientific research and statistics), "In which qualification category am I in?", "Where to register for vaccination?", "When is the right time to get vaccinated?", "How to prepare for vaccination?". The application will also be useful once the vaccination is complete, as it will contain relevant information. The COVID pandemic and the associated restrictions have a huge impact on the vaccination process, and this situation will continue to change dynamically for this reason. The application will inform, for example, how many people are already vaccinated against Covid and other diseases and also help to prepare for travel or mass events. It will help to find out where vaccination certificates etc. are required and what are the restrictions in other countries. It will include vaccination statistics and articles on how much mortality and morbidity has decreased. We are convinced that even vaccine hesitant people may be interested in downloading the application in order to see the information supported by scientific evidence. Using our technology, in March in just 2 days we have implemented a system to support services in the management and control of people undergoing mandatory home quarantine for Polish Government. In the same way, we can easily provide a similar system of crisis management focused on specific needs. Our application offers a wide range of possible functionalities such as: a digital form, answering closed and open questions in many formats, mini training, taking pictures, recording a voice message and many more. We also provide voice bot and dynamic SMS technology. Users get SMS and if they suffer from any disease they can monitor their symptoms and record them in the application. They will also receive detailed instructions and guidelines on health and treatment.

Key Benefits

1. Possibility to create content dynamically depending on the user's response - hyper-customisation. 2. Flexibility of the tool with unique scalability resulting from the technology - system structure and database. 3. The possibility of collecting data on users' attitudes to vaccination and potential changes in their decisions on the subject through surveys. 4. Reminding patients about the importance of vaccination by spreading reliable knowledge about the vaccine and mass vaccination and its effectiveness, supported by up-to-date scientific research and statistics. 5. Increasing the safety of vaccinated patients by means of reminders and guidelines sent in the application concerning the current sanitary restrictions.


General public - a mass mobile application that can be downloaded by anyone planning to vaccinate or wanting to learn more about mandatory and recommended vaccines and mass vaccinations.

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