Field of Expertise

digital identity, citizen identity, bankID, open banking, data, orchestration


Avoco creates game-changing technology to take digital identity into a new era.

Avoco has developed a disruptive technology that provides orchestration and decisioning to build an identity layer that connect people, data, devices, and services.

Our mantra is:

Authenticate, verify, and transact...

Avoco's Orchestration and Decisioning Engine (ODE) is the core component of our technology. Together with a suite of APIs it reuses trusted data to verify users, services, and transactions. This engine bridges the gap in the identity ecosystem and aims to beat scammers, protect children by verifying age, add trust to online transactions and minimise fraud.

ODE technology enables various use cases, including:

Trus-T - a multi-tenant identity service for assured identity transactions

AgePass for age verification using open banking data, and fraud checks during online transactions.

Avoco's ODE is designed to provide a missing identity layer, facilitate secure onboarding, and ensure privacy through minimal data disclosure. Avoco has garnered validation from the market, with positive feedback from analysts, governments, and major banks.

Avoco Identity, also known as Avoco Secure, aims to solve the problem of online identity verification and trust. The internet's lack of a robust identity layer has led to massive fraud, lack of trust, and security issues. Avoco's approach involves authenticating, verifying, and facilitating secure online transactions.

Avoco leverages Open Banking and Premium Banking APIs to reach a vast user base, with 38+ million verified users in the UK and over 500 million globally. This provides a strong foundation for trust and security.

But Avoco goes further than this by connecting across myriad APIs to deliver assured identity-driven transactions.

Like the payments model, Avoco's technology can facilitate closed and open loop models of transactions - with this agnostic approach, Avoco will revolutionise how people and systems transact.