Field of Expertise

The impact of The Open University's (OU’s) research and innovation reaches across our world and beyond. We collaborate with businesses, public bodies and third sector organisations in applying our world-leading research and expertise to benefit the economy, society and our environment.

Our network of national and regional centres in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland makes us uniquely placed to develop partnerships throughout the UK.

The OU also has leading laboratory facilities at our Milton Keynes headquarters, including ‘StressMap’, our residual stress measurement services business, and specialised laboratories for biodegradability, pervasive computing and electron microscopy. Our Research Institutes specialise in Educational Technology and conduct pioneering research into the generation, understanding and sharing of knowledge in different media.

The role of the OU's Enterprise Team is to help you access our knowledge and facilities in the best way for your organisation.


The Open University has a number of Faculties and Institutes.